
Ninja is one the biggest household names in gaming today, and with a massive following and a net worth of $25 million, you can see the lucrative potential of a career in gaming. 

Gaming has been around for over 30 years, but it’s popularity and integration into mainstream media has gained a very recent footing. Originally, it was the developers of games who made all of the money in the industry, but now gamers can make millions simply playing the games for a live audience. 

With this new booming industry, it needed a partner to bring it to fruition. Previously, companies like Razer and Corsair reigned as kings in gaming product sales. After the realization that the gaming industry would be stretching to live streaming, multimedia companies took advantage of that spike. Companies that produced video tools such as Canon, Panasonic, and Elgato wanted to develop gaming compatible live streaming devices such as game capture tools, easy to use 4K DSLR cameras and live stream switcher boards for at home use. Other companies such as Sony and Beyerdynamic started creating gaming headsets and live stream setup packages for high end audio quality.

The industry has expanded to become one of the most profitable behind music and movies, but even their celebrities have gained popularity that could rival the top Tik Tok, Instagram and media stars.

Markiplier gained notoriety because of his unique voice and his particular brand of commentary, however, most critics originally weren’t keen on his content as it was just “a dude playing video games”. Now having one of the most popular YouTube channels with over 20 million subscribers, sponsors are banging down his door trying to get in on the lucrative advertising potential. Charitable organizations also see his potential, as his live streams are so popular that doing a live philanthropic event where the streamer collects donations have totaled over $3 million.

Even the most respected organizations in media have recognized streamers on their popularity, as TIME Magazine named Pewdiepie one of “The World’s Top 100 Most Influential People” in 2016. He is YouTubes #1 creator, has over 95 million subscribers, and has been described as being a major influence on the gaming industry with some indie developers crediting him with increasing their sales. 

With any popular media, there will always be those that view a specific industry with disdain and refuse to understand and analyze why it gained so much notoriety. For anyone, especially in the multimedia/broadcasting industry, gaming is a business that cannot be ignored due to its massive profit, influence, and opportunities.