
Coding is the must-have skill of the future. “The value of coding is learning how to use data to drive decisions”, says C.J. Windisch, lead engineer and co-founder of location-based app GonnaBe.

coding-is-the-new-blackWe see it everywhere from statistical analysis in baseball to politics with Barack Obama’s data-driven election team,” Understanding data at that scale requires a computer to run numbers, not a calculator. In today’s big data world, that means coding.

GonnaBe’s CEO and cofounder Hank Leber calls coding the new literacy. Leber cites the growing unemployment rate and diminishing prospects for newly-minted college graduates as “Not learning to code has been the biggest misstep of my academic and professional life,” he says. “Had I learned it when I was in my early twenties, I’d have been 10 times as effective as a leader and businessperson. Hindsight is 20/20, but let this be foresight for young people: If you can stomach it, learn to code. You won’t regret it.

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